To the men and woman serving in the armed forces, a heartfelt Thanks! We concentrate on developing cost-effective, usable Web site for our customers. We have over 23 years knowledge with businesses of all kinds and kinds. That experience is available to you to assist with your marketing efforts.
By definition, marketing is the aggregate of all activities employed to move goods or services from producer to consumer. To explore if we may be of service with your small business marketing, reach out with out with a free, no obligation, phone call: 408.777.8600. I am Sam Grinels, principal of CommCraft.
A well thought out website is a powerful, interactive marketing tool where critical, decision-making information is available immediately to potential clients and customers. A well designed website can potentially generate highly qualified sales leads, increase sales, increase staff effectiveness, reduce costs.
Here are a few examples of our packaging work and a little about the strategy behind each design. The design strategy was to transfer maximum brand equity in three areas: Logo/seal, color, type treatment, particularly in relation to previous package use of the word "raisin, " and differentiate the line with a background panel for the product type (cranberry-raisin).
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