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Analyze. Four simple words can mean a lot. Kitch & Schreiber works to UNDERSTAND your business, the industry it serves and its clientele through consultation and research. By laying a foundation, we are able to CREATE effective advertising messages that will resonate with the target market. Kitch & Schreiber can then IMPLEMENT a media placement strategy that reaches the right people, at the right place, at the right time.
The first goal is to answer questions about your target market: Who are your current and potential customers? Are they mostly male or female? Are they younger or older? Where do they live? What do they do? What are some other characteristics that can define your target market? A high frequency strategy using a large quantity of less expensive commercials or ad space can be quite effective. A high reach and low frequency plan can bring a desired result as well using expensive advertising, and little of it.
The ability to utilize sight, sound and motion into your message is a potent combination especially if its delivered with a creative message. Kitch & Schreiber utilizes television advertising on behalf of our clients to communicate with current and potential customers on both broadcast stations (NBC, CBS, ABC & Fox) and cable networks (ESPN, Lifetime, Animal Planet, etc.) to deliver advertising messages.
Kitch & Schreiber specializes in online display advertising. Targeting your potential and current customers has never been easier. Through behavior online advertising strategies and tactics, we can identify and serve ads to individuals who might be interested in the products or services you offer. Let us deliver your message to potential customers through banner ads, rich media, and more.
Reviews (1)
Kj Housman
Nov 03, 2018