We work closely with all customers to produce websites that accurately reflect the mission and values of their organizations - whether that calls for a sleek, linear, professional design, or something less conventional.
Want to add color to your place of business? Maybe you'd like to express admiration for your significant other, a family member, favorite pet, or best friend. Why not commission a portrait? At prices far below industry average, it's an affordable way to beautify your surroundings, or those of someone you care about.
VerticalLift provides photography services for numerous clients in the Greater Cleveland area. We've shot architectural photography for the Ferchill Group, product photography for local jewelers and restaurants, and corporate photography for businesses such as All Media Design Group and USA Expositions.
No matter how stunning the graphics, content that is poorly organized, written, and edited can greatly diminish the effectiveness of your promotional materials or website. Whether you're a site owner or a marketing guru, be aware that every misspelled word and every poorly constructed sentence serves only to detract from your credibility.
To reconstruct this desk, we'll have to go back seven years, three months, and some days. We won't bother ourselves with just how many. For our purposes this will all happen now, of necessity, in the margins of your day, with its unique light striking the page. An aside of some relevance: A while back an elderly-care nurse, who also happens to be a friend, related a small, but poignant incident.

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