Like most people, apartment residents are accustomed to using the Internet in their daily lives. From travel arrangements to online shopping and financial management, apartment residents utilize Internet resources at a higher rate than the population in total. For this reason, ResiteIT offers apartment owners and managers the capability to add these capabilities to their firm's technology strategy.
Reviews (5)
Ellen Bates
Feb 01, 2019
The team at Resite has been a trusted partner for many years. There are so many good things to say about them. They consistently deliver and it is truly a pleasure to work with them. They are quick to respond, helpful, creative and honest in all areas with their ideas, approach and customer service. I highly recommend them!
Lisa Studer
Jan 31, 2019
Brian Moore
Nov 22, 2018
Resite has been a constant partner with our organization over the years. Their team is filled with professionals who excel at customer service and problem solving, with fast responses and offering solutions that will address any issues. Pricing is extremely important, and with Resite, we've found that they have some of the most fair pricing in the business - with no "hidden" fees or tricks. Would highly recommend their services and their team.
Lane Sheer
Sep 05, 2018
Samantha Jameson
Aug 20, 2018